I know I'm a bit late to the party on this and I know it's nothing to do with fashion but it is something that is hugely important.
Obviously the huge BP oil spill, has been something that has had the whole world talking, it has devastated thousands of people, not to mention the death of 11 and the 17 that have been injured but what I want to talk about is the animals.
Of course it has been something that I have thought of and been saddened by but it wasn't until I watched the 7pm project tonight, as I do every night, it's a great show to watch to catch up on news, in a way that is easy to watch and for want of a better term; more fun than the actual news.
Anyway, on tonight's show Dr. Chris Brown aka Bondi vet, went to the gulf of Mexico where he showed us the absolutely devastating effects it has had on the creatures that inhabit the area. I'm not going to lie.. I cried, it was very uncomfortable to watch and made me feel so ashamed of myself, that while these hideous things are going on in the world.. I'm studying and practicing fashion styling. How selfish and materialistic can I get? I love LOVE fashion with all my heart but I also love the prospect of a clean earth and animals and I know which one is more important.
Seeing those pelicans literally living in thick disgusting oil made me want to pack up and head over there to help with the clean up mission. I can't do that, so I am going to make it my mission to find a way of helping even a little bit. It isn't right that we sit back and do nothing, this is a huge huge thing and it affects everybody.
We complain about cancer and other diseases that kill, yet we still drive cars and smoke and pollute and so many other things that the world just simply wasn't designed for.
The earth as well as the human body are incredible things, the way they work is fascinating, they were designed to survive but how can they survive when all we do is treat them like crap?
The very worst part of it is that we have gone too far, who knows how much longer the earth can put up with all the grief that we have given it.
What we can do is try to make it as comfortable as possible for everyone living on it, while it's still around, so I urge everybody to find some way of doing something, however small, to make a difference, whether it's simply donating money or actually getting stuck in.
So thank you to the 7pm project and Dr. Chris Brown, if no one else, you have at least opened my eyes in a big way.
The spread of the spill is the equivalent of Brisbane - Melbourne, if you don;t know how far that is, have a look!