Sometimes I see people in clothes and I want to die.. literally. Those "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!!!" moments.
Well I've decided to give you a rundown on all those fashion NO NOs and after reading this I BEG you to please pleeeeeeeease never do any of them ever again!!
Ugg boots
Ahh the Australian classic.. designed years and years ago to be worn as slippers around the house.. so WHY THE HELL did people decide to start wearing them outdoors.. not OK people.. not OK!
Belts on tshirts
A belt around the waist is there to pull in and create a waist. A slim fitting t-shirt is alread\y showcaisng your curves so putting a belt around it, is just ridiculous and looks sooooo stupid! This has to be one of my most hated faux pas, I mainly see it on teenagers that have overthought their outfit to look cool hanging around the shopping centres on the weekend. Next time your out and about, you'll see exactly what I'm tallking about.
Wear a waist belt with loose fitting dresses and high waisted pants and skirts to hide the join.
Leggings as pants
Would you wear stockings instead of pants? no.. so why do people wear leggings as pants? Wear leggings with (very) oversized long t-shirts, slightly too short dresses but if you can see the crotch you should be wearing pants NOT leggings.
Midriff tops
We are well out of the 90s and this is not Beverly Hills 90210 so any form of midriff (yes that's right it's midriff with an f not midrift with a t) top is not OK especially on anyone the wrong side of 25 at the very very latest.
Muffin tops
Stop lying about your size.. if you have a muffin top your clothes are too small, it's far far better to have clothes that fit well that kidding yourself that you're a size smaller than you are. After all, people can't see the label in your clothes, they know no different and muffin tops only make you look bigger anyway.
Too much flesh
The picture says it all.. if I had liked Katy Perry before I definately wouldn't after this tradgedy!!
Kristen Stewart
... nuff said!!
Bad fake tan
There's a fine line between a natural looking fake tan and a terrible one.. Don't be a Donatella Versace.. get a genuinely good fake tan (St. Tropez is a good one) or embrace your innner ghost and go pale!! If you insist on faking it watch out for those dry skin areas.. there's nothing stylish about orange clumps on knees, elbows and hands!
Bad blush
SLOOOW DOWN! blush is supposed to add a bit of colour to your face, a BIT not a lot, same goes for bronzer.. you shouldn't even be able to notice it, it should be blended in.
I don't even know what to say... just don't!!!
OK, if you have read this blog, I will take it as a promise that you will never ever do any of these things again.. maybe we can change the world, one blog at a time!!
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